When you’ve realized that you need to raise your price points, it’s only normal for fears to arise.

Things like…

➡️ Do I need to add more to the offer to make it worth it?

➡️ But other people are charging less than I am…

➡️ But I’m not as experienced as [so and so]…

➡️ There are so many people who can’t afford my work already, who now definitely won’t be able to afford my increased rates.

In today’s episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast, I’m talking through each of those fears. How they present, what they’re rooted in, how we can work with them, and new ways of looking at each of them that open up a LOT of freedom for you to take action that aligns with your desire for real, lasting Sustainable Success.

Tune in today wherever you listen to podcasts!

Coming soon.

Episode Links:

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I’m Carly Jo Bell.

(Though you can just call me Carly.)

Carly Jo Bell is a business strategist and mentor, and fonder of Whole Co media. Through her courses and programs, podcast, and one on one coaching, Carly helps pulled-in-every-direction entrepreneurs create a business that brings in as much joy as it does revenue — by cultivating deep self trust, and solid foundations as the first step.

For more from Carly, and to learn about her signature “looking external for inspiration, and internal for answers” approach, join the conversation by signing up for her weekly email series, Carly's Couch.

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