Sustainable Niching for Online Service Providers & Practitioners: How to Niche Without Limiting Your Audience & Business
The Sustainable Success Podcast
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“I know I need to raise my price points, but…” (common fears around increasing your rates and what to do about them)

When you’ve realized that you need to raise your price points, it’s only normal for fears to arise. Things like…...
I don’t “handle objections” in sales conversations (here’s why)

There were two big lies I was presented with back when I was first taught sales skills for my business:...
A week of Mornings with Carly: behind-the-scenes of our private client podcast!

Mornings with Carly is our private client podcast where I drop three 5-10 minute episodes every single week, full of...
When you inevitably ‘get it wrong’ with a client, here’s what to do…

A couple years ago, I realized that I had made an assumption about one of my clients that led to...
Why is 1:1 client work so dang exhausting?

I’ve heard it again and again: “I need to create a more scalable offer, because 1:1 client work is just...
Voxer Office Hours (offer building, chronic health, pressure around marketing, application questions for prospective clients, sustaining momentum)

Every month I spend a whole day talking individually with business owners on Voxer (a walkie talkie app) inside of...
Feel safe being more visible with this simple somatic practice

I couldn’t stop checking. Every minute it seemed, new subscribers were joining our list. In just one week, we added...
What do you do if clients aren’t utilizing the support available to them?

Something we don’t often like to talk about as business owners who work with humans is the reality that some...