
Toss the secret strategies for someone else’s success.

Experience the expansive time, energy, and money that’s a natural byproduct of building your business, your way.

Pink and Magenta Flowers - Left Crop@2x

There’s no such thing as the “right” next step, there is only your next step.

Allow my team and I to be your been-there-done-that guide and point you in the direction we’ve found is most supportive for business owners like you.

White Daisies - Right Crop@2x

See what we've created for you

Tell us who you are:

I’m early in my journey as a business owner and want to set myself and my business up for long-term success.

I’ve been in business for a bit, have a big vision, and need clarity on the roadmap for bringing the big vision to life.

I’m a well established business owner with a thriving practice ready to scale what's working (& release the rest!).

Typically includes business owners in their first ~6-12 months of business and/or those who are averaging less than $3k/mo.


For those who are building their budding business from the ground up and know they want to start off on the right foot with foundations for long-lasting success.

Magenta Flower - Right Crop@2x
Budding? We recommend...

Budding? We recommend...

Learn to clearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff.

So many business owners are obsessed with “finding their niche.” But then when they do, they run into their next question: now what?

People still aren’t buying consistently. They’ve tried all sorts of things and chased all sorts of shiny objects (“finding their niche” being one of them). And if they’re being honest, they’re pretty much flying by the seat of their pants when it comes to all things online business. What gives?

Well my friend, they—meaning you—need to step beyond “niching” to build solid foundations for real, lasting business success.

Namely, their Audience, Offer, and Messaging foundations so that they can make more sales now while also preparing their business to be even more successful in the future.

And that's exactly what you'll do inside The Aligned Niche!

_Jennifer _Westbrook, Copywriter Testimonial@2x
Pink Flower with Stamens - Right Crop@2x

“A lot of copywriting experts say niching is the 'only' way to become an expert and get consistent clients, but that never felt right to me.

I now feel more confident that I can work with clients who want what I offer and who are the right fit for me, and I don't have to feel limited by a specific industry or specialty. The course videos were short, powerful and to-the-point so I could get the information I needed to spend quality time thinking and working through the workbook.

I would recommend [The Aligned Niche] to any new business owner so they don't spend years talking to the wrong people (like I've done), and so they can come right out of the gate with clarity on how to present powerful offers that convert.”

Jennifer Westbrook, Copywriter
Want to see if our niching process is right for you? Check out

Niche on the Problem, Not the Person

Building the the kind of business you *actually* want to run starts with knowing your niche. But when your definition of “niching” means limiting yourself to one very particular type of person that you’re ‘allowed’ to work with, well, your big, bold, and beautiful vision for your business gets watered down and devolves into a business you think you can “be successful” building. 

If you’re here reading this, my guess is that you’ve likely been hesitating to “niche down” like so many voices in the online space are saying you “should.” Or, you HAVE “niched down” but every week you find yourself going back and forth between the part of you who says, “If you’re talking to everyone, you’re selling to no one” and the other part of you who KNOWS that your work can help soooooo many different types of people.

If that’s you, I have great news: only working with one very specific demographic (or even psychographic) of human is NOT the only way to niche. And in fact, that way of niching only works for a ~very small~ percentage of online business owners!

That doesn’t mean you don’t need a niche, simply that there’s a way that is much more expansive AND effective that allows visionary and multipassionate entrepreneurs to bring the full power of their work to their clients and community.

I’ll show you how inside this free 30-minute, step-by-step video training.

WholeCo - Carly stepping out with babys breath in her socks@2x
Typically includes business owners averaging $50k/year, with flexibility to include most anyone


For those who are nurturing the business they’ve already been running, so that it can expand sustainably into (and beyond) their biggest vision.

Magenta Flower - Right Crop@2x

We recommend...

EXPAND is our comprehensive business training program that equips you to sustainably call in a steady stream of clients and stabilize your cashflow while providing you with the foundations to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.

You’ve been at this whole business thing for a little while now and, while you know that this is the work you are called to be doing, you’re finding that there are gaps in your foundations that need to be filled if you want to expand beyond averaging ~$5k/mo.

EXPAND offers the roadmap to build your entire Sustainable Success System™—audience, offers, messaging, marketing, lead generation, and sales—so that you can do what you love, have time for fun and whole-self-care, and create a deep community around your work.

Let the days of overcomplicating the journey and following the shiny objects be behind you; EXPAND is where you’ll become equipped with the confidence and clarity to step into greater visibility, to use your voice, and to be a powerful part of that greater change you wish to see.

Orange flowers - crop left@2x

“I thought I was working with Carly to learn how to get sales, but it was so much more than that.

As much as she provided amazing value with selling, positioning and content creation, I needed the most help with mindset. She was an invaluable asset in helping me get to where I needed to be in order to get the results I desire.

I did get my first 10k month, as well as learnt how to create foundations and stability/sustainability in my business.

And now I know how to build a sustainable business model that I can take with me no matter which direction I go in. I also learned how to balance trust/strategy in order to build up the RIGHT momentum for me. Work with Carly.”

Hannah Pillow
Hannah Pillow - Podcast Production Agency Owner@2x
Desire to dip your toe into the journey? Check out

Conversion Content Breakthrough

Dig deeper than the surface-level strategies for “content that converts” to craft extraordinary and effective content instead with this 4-day on-demand training series!

Cease the search for the “secret strategy” to “content that connects and converts” and allow yourself to show up in your content like you do with your clients: powerfully and so deeply in service that the Right Fit people are naturally drawn into your work.

Whether you love writing or feel absolutely “terrible at marketing,” marketing tends to be that thing in business that almost everyone loves to hate.

Over 4 daily trainings, you’ll be introduced to our proprietary foundations-focused approach to marketing, which has turned even the most “I hate marketing” of people into thriving business owners who now consistently, confidently, and creatively (and effectively!) show up in their content.

WholeCo - Carly with a book full of flower petals@2x


For those who are expanding their already “proven” business, and desire to do so sustainably.

Magenta Flower - Right Crop@2x

We recommend...

Receive exquisite mentorship and bespoke business consulting to expand beyond your next revenue goal while ushering in and expertly navigating each new era of your Sustainable Success.

You’ve reached a few of those “big” goals that you set for yourself and now, while you absolutely do desire to bring this business even bigger, what you truly desire is to do so in a way that honors and allows space for the whole you, every single day.

You are ready to lead even more powerfully in your industry and effect the positive change in your community that you’ve come to know you are here for.

To continue your expansion, you know there are elements of your business that need to be even more fully honed in and systematized (the “outward”), but you also know that you must go inward and allow yourself to become the person who can not only hold the vision, but birth it and fully bring it into being. Having personalized support on your journey is what you see that your next step is to move through this journey with more awareness, intention, and ease.

Pink Flower with Stamens - Right Crop@2x

“I have finally found a business coach that works for me. Why? Because she focuses on me - my business, my client, my gifts, my intuition, my wisdom.

There are no cookie cutter formulas only the journey.

She supports me in connecting to myself and letting it all fall apart so it can come back together. This is a messy and challenging journey sometimes and the fact that Carly can walk alongside me in that makes me feel truly supported.

And then when we are ready we create content plans and offerings that really sing because they are right for my people and for me.

I wouldn't be as happy in my business as I am without her and I suggest that if your intuition is drawing you towards her that you follow it and step in."

- Alison Crosthwait
Alison Crosthwait, Guide Headshot
Refine your offers to reliably facilitate their marketed results (without you needing to constantly *be on*) with

Powerful Offers That Transform

I’m going to bet that you have some really powerful work that has the capacity to truly change the lives of your clients and even your industry for the better. I’d also bet that you are a true expert at that work, with clients who rave about you, countless receipts from the professional development you’ve done (and continue to do), and even a knowing in your gut that yes, it’s true, you are an expert at the work that you do. 

I’m also going to bet that even with both of those things being true, either your clients aren’t seeing the marketed results of your work as reliably as you’d hope or you’re having to go above and beyond / outside of scope in order to ensure your clients get the intended results of your work.

And so you find yourself doing things like…

  • Saying ‘yes’ to last second or extra calls.
  • Consulting on or even doing things that aren’t technically within your expertise.
  • Adding in more and more extras or guest experts because you keep seeing the same gaps in clients journeys, even though it seems like no matter what you do, they aren’t being filled.
  • Constantly reminding your clients of the steps they need to take.
  • Maybe you even find yourself dreaming of creating offers that are more scalable, because the offers you have right now with the clients who are in them are—if you’re being honest—draining you. 

If any of that sounds familiar, I created Powerful Offers That Transform for you. This in-depth, step-by-step guide is for online business owners who are ready to refine and/or expand their current offer suite to even more reliably facilitate results for or with their clients. Simply register below for immediate access!

*Please note that all of our “typical” audiences stated above for our offers are based on who we’ve seen thrive most in these specific offers.

However, we trust you to know what is right for you, and if you have carefully reviewed the inclusions of our offers and feel you are better suited to one outside of our “typical” recommendations, we welcome you to make that investment decision at your discretion.

If you have any questions about your particular situation in relation to which of our programs would be best for you, please email us at hello[at]wholecomedia[dot]com and we’ll be happy to support you in finding the right-for-you path!

Want the house tour?

Here’s everything we offer. Take a look around, decide what you like, and make yourself at home!


See behind the scenes of our foundations-focused and self-trust-led approach to building, nurturing, and expanding your Sustainable Success so that you can discover your very next step.


Become a Credibility Cultivator

How do you build authentic authority that differentiates your business and attracts Right Fit people into your audience who are ready to invest in your work? I'll show you how in this free video training!


Find your niche as a visionary entrepreneur so you can build beautiful and expansive success in your online business (without getting boxed in by a too-narrow niche!).


Powerful Offers That Transform

This in-depth guide shows you how to package your offers so that your clients consistently get powerful & market-worthy results that are in alignment with your messaging and marketing.


Conversion Content Breakthrough

Dig deeper than the surface-level strategies to craft extraordinary and effective conversion content for your online business (so your people will love engaging with your content just as much as you’ll love creating it!).


A step-by-step course where you will learn to clearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff.


Discover a repeatable strategy to create endless conversion content concepts that are entirely custom to you and your audience.


Right Fit Filter

Build an application to work with you that's tailored specifically to your business so you can know whether a lead is a Right Fit for your work, right from the start.


Craft powerfully resonant stories that deepen your connection with your audience and community and distinguish you from the crowd.


Social Media Reset

Transform your relationship with social media for the better so that you can partner with it as the powerful tool it IS to grow your online business.



EXPAND equips you with the skills and self-trust to embrace your role as CEO, systematically setting your business up for long-lasting Sustainable Success.

Applications are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be first to hear about the next cohort.

White Daisies - Right Crop@2x

Explore some more!

Get the nitty gritty of what it actually looks like to build and run a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.

Discover what people have to say about learning to trust themselves as they build Sustainable Success.

Our community is full of entrepreneurs seeking a holistic and sustainable approach to growing a business. Join us!