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Who is your Purchase-Ready Client? Deep dive on the Solution-Oriented Client vs. Transformation-Ready Client

who is your purchase-ready client blog post cover
As online service providers and coaches, our biggest currency is our reputation. Specifically, our reputation for delivering the results through...

You don’t need to convince or educate prospects that they need your services (here’s what to do instead)

why you don't need to convince prospective clients to buy
Let’s get one thing clear: if you’re consistently finding yourself speaking to prospects who you know would benefit so much...

4 Questions to Find Your Right Fit Client

4 questions for Right Fit client
If you’ve been in business for more than a second you know that you need to determine who your target...

Client Spotlight: Therapeutic Coach in the UK

This therapeutic coach had, prior to the pandemic, been running her business largely in person in the UK. For over...

Client Spotlight: Pam Bowman

Photo of Pam, who has light blond hair and a warm smile.
Pam is a full service bookkeeper who specializes in supporting Property Investors and Developers.  After three decades running a well-established...

Client Spotlight: Michelle Crowder-Soellner

Photo of Michelle, who has black curly hair, glasses, and a big smile standing against a backdrop of phenomenal art.
Michelle is a coach for high-achieving humans who have realized that even though their life looks great on the outside,...

Boundaries online business owners can set with clients for more sustainable + successful client containers

If you're an online business owner (coach, service provider, healer, guide, strategist, etc.), and you're... Consistently going over time in...

How I build trust with our community (knowing they’ve likely been “burnt” by past investments)

cultivate trust with your audience as an online business owner - wholeco media
About a year and a half ago, I began to really intentionally use my messaging and marketing to speak to...

Custom Proposals as a Done-For-You (DFY) Service Provider are (almost always) NOT in Service of Your Right Fit Clients.

custom packages DFY service provider - wholeco media
An effective done-for-you service is very rarely built entirely custom to each client. In fact, it's often when service providers...

The Value of a Coaching Package isn’t in the Number of Sessions

coaching packages wholeco media
An effective coaching package isn't built around the number of sessions, it's built around the transformational journey. And yet a...